Monday, December 17, 2012

Anti Teen Tan Ban

Alright, I've had enough of this.  I've read articles over the past year and even more so these last few months about a teen tan ban, meaning kids under 18 are prohibited from using a tanning bed. The Government is even going as far as telling salons if they get caught letting minors tan, they will be hit with a huge fine. I have a HUGE problem with this.  Being a parent, this is a decision I should be able to make for my child who is under 18, it shouldn't be up to the government. The information that is being provided to them during this whole issue is so one sided and a lot of it, untrue.  Dermatologists are the biggest problem we have because they are really doing everyone a disservice by telling people not to go out in the sun without sunscreen on or to never step foot in a tanning bed.  People need the UV rays for survival, just like we need water, that's the reason why God created the sun!

After reading this article published about a month ago, it made even more sense to me, Dermatologists are all about the money.  It someone told you that a study shows that 90% of Melanoma Surgeries are unnecessary, would you believe it?  Well, you better because it's true, check it out!!

What a great scare tactic on their part, brilliant non the less making people that they may have skin cancer and making sure to scare them out of the sun or a tanning bed for the rest of their life.  While doing this, you're about to cause a whirlwind of other sicknesses, diseases and even cancers.  How you ask?  Well, the sun and tanning beds are your number one provider of vitamin D, you take that away and you start to see your vitamin D levels decrease immensely.  Yes, there are still supplements BUT, like any other supplement you take, you should know your body disposes of that when you use the restroom, especially if you drink a lot of liquids during the day, it's basically in and out and you're not getting the maximum out of your supplements.  If you're been following my blog or any of my posts on sites, you will come to know how passionate I am on vitamin D, there is a good reason for that, it's because it's SO important to your health.  It literally can prevent or even help cure over 100 different diseases and cancers.  Crazy, huh?  Something as simple as vitamin D could actually save your life and you don't even have to spend money on it!!  The sad part is, there are so many people staying out of the sun and tanning beds now, you will see more people getting sick.

My biggest problem with this teen tan ban is that there is no real proof.  Just because someone went in a tanning bed 10 years ago one time and now they have skin cancer does NOT mean it's from that one tanning experience.  That's the funny part, there are articles that are based on situations like that.  If someone doesn't want their child tanning before they turn 18, let that be the parents decision.  No professional tanning salon should let a child under 18 tanning without a parents consent anyway.  If they do, then that's a salon you want to avoid because they obviously aren't about following all the rules.  If you support this tan ban, please make sure you do some solid research before you are 100% behind it.  I mean I could list off a number of FACTS that I'm sure would really surprise you.  Such as, most melanomas are found in spots that aren't usually seen by the sun, like the scalp or behind your ears.  Tell me, how would a tanning bed or the sun cause that?  Or that if you were a skin type one, you could get skin cancer without ever being exposed to UV light.  This last one is one of my favorites, people who work indoors have higher skin cancer rates than those who work outdoors all day.  Yes, all three of those facts are true.

I'm not asking you to support people who have to be the tannest of tan people but, I am asking you to support moderation.  It is ok for you and your children to have sun exposure for a couple hours a week or to visit a tanning salon in the winter months for a few minutes a couple times a week.  I promise you will have a more positive attitude and it will be doing wonders to yours health!

Happy holidays everyone!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's that time again!  Winter is here and we are going on our annual trip to Fort Myers Beach Florida with the family.  I'm not a big fan of winter normally, but these last couple of weeks I've been prepping my skin for that Florida sun by heading to the tanner a couple of times a week.  I must say, it has taken a huge effect on me, a positive one.  When I tan a few times a week, moderately, my mood is better, I have more energy and plus I'm much more confident with glowing skin.  It's a huge bonus for me, because I'm doing my skin a huge favor by saving my skin from the hot sun and chemical sunscreen.

I know many are against anything to do with the sun or a tanning bed but, I feel for that, they are doing themselves a huge disservice.  For those who won't go near a tanning bed, but also choose to be anti sun are hurting themselves even worse than those who are just against tan bans.  I know I've said it numerous times but, it still stands true, God made the sun, we need the sun, the light to survive.  Not only do we need it but, plants, animals, everything needs it!  If you were to type in "vitamin D" into a web search and stories upon stories will pop up about studies on how vitamin D has been proven to cure this disease or that cancer or how it can help prevent many different sicknesses.  It literally can help prevent or cure over 100 different diseases and cancers, but yet that's still not enough evidence for people because they are in such of fear of getting skin cancer!  Good luck people, I'm sure those cigarettes or alcohol or whatever other unhealthy habit it is you do won't get to you first!!!  Dermatologists and sunscreen companies have done such a good job fabricating the truth and scaring the shit out of people, people have no clue what's really good for them anymore.  Here is an article that is a MUST READ that was recently published on about how a study shows more than 90 Percent of Melanoma Surgeries are Unnecessary.  Click here to read it! If more people knew this, I don't think they would be so prompt to get every single mole removed because their doctor makes them think they may have cancer but, most cases turn out that they don't.  There is so much important information in that article, I think many of you will have a wake up call.

I know I may get a few looks for being tan in the winter, or may get in an argument with someone because they're trying to tell me tanning is bad but, I end up proving them wrong, time and time again but, it's all worth it to me.  It gives me a chance to educate those properly all while doing myself, my body a huge favor by giving myself vitamin D from one of the best sources possible.  This is such a sensitive topic for me since it's something I've supported for a long time but, it's not only about me anymore, someone else is counting on me to be there for him day in and day out and he needs me to be healthy for him.  My baby boy is my world, I'm his mother that he plays with all day long but I also nurse him numerous times a day so, I want what's best for him.  I provide his nutrients and although he doesn't get his vitamin D from me, he depends on me for everything else and he has a better chance at staying healthy if I'm healthy as well.  It just goes to show you cannot depend on your diet for your vitamin D.  If that were the case, Nolan would be able to get all of his from me since I'm a moderate tanner with adequate  vitamin D levels.    

Do yourself a favor everyone, educate yourself, look information up online other than a site ran by dermatologists or sunscreen companies, I promise you will find things that could change your whole perspective on UV light!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Working out could be saving your memory

The article title read, "A workout a day keeps dementia away."  I immediately opened it since my fiancĂ©'s grandpa suffers from Alzheimer's and I know his grandma is willing to try anything to make him better.  Obviously, nobody has a cure but, anything could help, right?!  With medicine from the doctor, to putting coconut oil in his coffee every morning, we're all hoping to see some sort of change.  When I saw this article, it made me think to myself, what if working out a few times a week really does help your memory.  I mean in a way, it kind of makes sense to me because exercise is so good for the body.

The study had over 600 participants between the ages 65 and 84 and each of the participants brain showed early warning signs of dementia.  The participants were followed over a period of three years and over that time they had their brains scanned on a regular basis.  They were being assessed on the cognitive ability and how much they exercised.  To read more on the details, you can click here..., there are other links on there to click as well for more information.

While there is good news, there was bad news too.  Participants that worked out at least 3 times a week lowered their chances of getting dementia by 40% in comparison to those with less activity!  Now to me, that's great news, the exercising was most effective towards vascular dementia, which is a type of non-alzheimer's dementia that is caused by low blood flow to the brain.  The doctors tracked the white matter on the participants brain that is linked to dementia that you can see on MRI scans.  All participants showed changes in white matter at the beginning of the study on many different levels and they were to make sure to take into account other factors but, the protective effects of exercise still held.

The bad news was that, exercise didn't seem to specifically affect  the risk of developing Alzheimer's.  Now, don't get me wrong, I had high hopes when I saw this article that it could make a big difference in grandpas life and I was a little bummed when I saw that it wouldn't really help his case but, it is good to know it can make a difference in others lives.  I mean I know it's a no brainer and everyone should exercise but, to know I'm preventing one more thing that could possibly happen to me when I get older, makes me feel a lot better.

I hope everyone out there takes their health as serious as I do.  Our body is very sacred and it's so important to keep it pure.  Exercise, sunshine and eating right are three major things people need to stay healthy and they're very easy to do.  If you need guidance or ever have questions, make sure to ask your doctor, you could be saving a few years to your life!  All in all though, I really hope we can find a cure for this horrible disease that affects so many people in our country today.  It happens to the best of us and those wonderful people we love and it's so disturbing to have to sit there and not be able to do much about it.  To those who have loved ones suffering, stay strong, I applaud you for being there and being supportive to that person who is suffering!  Good things are coming your way!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Vitamin D IS vital

Another positive report came out on vitamin D, who's surprised?!  Headlines read, " Ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D protect against multiple sclerosis.  There have been a number of articles published within the last couple of weeks talking about the importance of vitamin D when it comes to multiple sclerosis.  Believe it or not everyone but, getting some sun without sunscreen or hitting the tanning bed for a few minutes is doing your body good.  By maintaining sufficient levels of serum vitamin D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D may be helping you prevent multiple sclerosis, according to a new study published.  Here is one of the many articles on it, check it out...

It blows my mind, how over the last few years you've been urged by so many to stay out of the sun or a tanning bed and put sunscreen on all day, everyday and they're banning tanning all over for teens, but yet studies come out like this and give you a whole new perspective.  I've said this many times before  but, people need to remember, moderation is key and will probably save your life if you can remember to do so.  If you want to get some sun or go into a tanning bed, do it according to your skin type and don't do it for too long.  If you want to eat same food that isn't that good for you, go ahead and have it, just don't make it an everyday occurrence.  That's the problem with Americans these days, nobody knows how to follow the simple rule of moderation, for the most part it's indulging or not enough.  As far as vitamin D goes, over 90% of the American population isn't getting enough, since that 90% and more are deficient.  

I know this article will be one of many that I post in hopes that people will wake up and realize that we need sun to survive, it was created for a reason.  Something as simple as having adequate vitamin D levels would be doing your health more good than you know.  So, if you can, put your swim suit on and head outside for a little while or go to your nearest professional tanning salon and get some D!  You never know, you could be making a world of difference to your life! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Is Arsenic in your food?

Just this last week, we had Nolan's four month check up and the doctor said in the next couple of months we can start feeding him green veggies and rice with his milk to fill him up more.  I thought this was great, but then it also raised a lot of concern as well.  Recently, I've seen a few articles and shows on tv talking about the arsenic in food and juices.  What's scary is, it's found at alarming high rates in juices we give to our kids daily and now they discovered it's very high as well in pretty much anything rice.  For most, they probably think they are safe going the organic route and it turns out, that's not even the case!!  How scary is that?!  It's really disappointing that we now have to pay such close attention to every single thing we put into our bodies nowadays.  You would think it's for the better of the people, but rather the companies that produce these foods and drinks, it's whatever is most beneficial to them.

I've found a great article written by consumer reports which is a wonderful read that breaks down everything.  Here is the link...

Here is a chart breaking down all the rice products...

For my family, this concerns me.  The arsenic can also be found in your water, fruits and vegetables, not just the rice according to the Environmental Protection agency.  Not only is it scary for us adults but, for babies, rice cereal is one of the first foods we give them and it can be potentially very harmful to them now and in the long run.  So, make sure you research before you start feeding your child something to make sure it's the right choice or if you should go with an alternative because from the looks of it, nobody is protecting us from this issue. The article goes on to say that there is no set level as to the maximum amount of arsenic allowed in rice. So what's one to do for your child? Cut down the amount given to them each day.

For the sake of you and your child's future, make sure you start paying attention to what you put into your bodies.  I could continue to ramble on about this topic for hours and hours but, I thought it would be best for me to bring it to your attention and let you see for yourself how important this topic really is.  I gave just one article to read on but, feel free to look at other resources.  If you find anything yourself, I would love it if you shared it with me, especially if it has anything to do with infants!

Take care of yourselves!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Skin Cancer Risk Among Redheads higher even without sun exposure....SAY WHAT?!

Just this last week, there were a number of articles on skin cancer risk being higher among redheads even without sun exposure.  I mean, to some this would seem like common sense, but for the longest time you seem to only hear that the sun is the sole reason people get skin cancer. However, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital are saying that redheads and fair skinned people are more susceptible to developing skin cancer regardless of whether or not they are exposed to the sun. To get the whole rundown on the study, check out these links:

Here is the first article outlined

-Mice with red coloring developed melanoma without being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The researchers say that could mean skin pigmentation itself is a cause of melanoma, not just exposure to the sun.
-They found that the melanoma risk occurs in areas of the skin that are not exposed to the sun's rays, something I've brought up before!!
-The scientists used strains of mice with almost identical genes, except for the gene that controls which type of melanin is produced.  They had dark mice - with the typical variant leading to a predominance of dark melanin.  The other mice were the "red hair-fair skin" version.
-They used a method created by team members to activate the melanoma-associated form of the BRAF oncogene in patches of the mice's skin pigment cells.  They expected that melanoma formation would only occur if they were exposed to UV radiation.  
-Within a few months, half of the red animals developed melanomas, compared to very few of the dark ones.
-They made sure the mice have not been exposed to UV radiation.
-The scientists created a strain of "albino redheads" and the incidence of melanoma among these dropped dramatically, indicating there is something in the pigment itself that encourages the development of melanoma.  

Although this is just the beginning of this story, it's great to know people out there are trying to find the real cause of melanoma instead of pointing the finger directly at UV exposure and saying that's the cause.  With dermatologists and sunscreen companies pushing sunscreen all day, everyday on everyone, they are making tons of money, all while having a very negative effect of people.  Everyday people continue to listen, and they are hurting themselves by taking away their main source of vitamin D, sunshine.  Through UV exposure, you're getting your vitamin D naturally and that is so important because if your body makes any additional vitamin D, your body can break down any D it doesn't need.  

I know I will continue to push the positive word on vitamin D and sun exposure to all of my friends and family because these people mean the world to me and something as simple as not using sunscreen all the time and getting some sun for 20 minutes a day could be saving their lives!  If this all comes out to be accurate about pale skinned folks, I hope this message is spread everywhere, among everyone so they know the sun isn't harming you, it's here to do good!  Make sure you get your D.  Goodnight, everyone!!  

Monday, October 29, 2012

10/29/12-Celebrity Approval

Over the last few years, I'm sure most have not heard much of anything that's positive about catching some rays and to me, that's pretty disappointing.  Summer has come and gone here in Michigan so that means, cold, dull weather...Gross.  For me personally, I know when the sun is out and I get exposure, I'm in a way better mood and I know that's probably the same situation for many others.  Some may think we are crazy but, there are many articles that agree with my theory!!  Here are a few if you're skeptical...

What you see nowadays are celebrities endorsing some sort of product with SPF in it saying to put it on everyday and that you want to avoid sun exposure.  Since it's a famous person that said it, most believe it's true, that's a common theme among many different topics these days.  Well, I have some awesome news for those who find this disturbing!  A celebrity that believes in the power of vitamin D!  Most everyone loves her and I am in fact one of them but, this makes me love her even more now, Jennifer Aniston!  Now, don't judge me because I wasn't the one that found this wonderful interview but, it was a great friend of mine that did.  It was on Perez Hilton and they had an interview on Jennifer Aniston's secret to skinniness.  She explained:

"I stopped dieting when I figured out that you just have to eat regularly and properly within moderation. The fads are too much. I think it's really about - honestly, this is going to sound silly - going in the sun for 20 minutes a day is really important, vitamin D, because we are now having a vitamin D deficiency because of all the SPF. And I think being happy and smiling and laughing a lot."

That is one smart woman, if you ask me!  Here is the rest of the interview if interested...

It's tough to compete with articles in the media right now that talk about how people may not need to take as much vitamin D and how it may not be effective as people think.  But with studies and articles and interviews like Jen's that prove vitamin D can help reduce your chances of many different diseases and cancers and just to live an overall better life, hopefully the negative articles about vitamin D will go down the tubes.  If people believe this negative theory on D, I feel it will do more damage than good.  Here are some great studies and articles for you to read on vitamin D.

Everyone have a great week and be sure you get your vitamin D! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/2012- Breast Cancer Awareness overkill

With 6 days left of October, we are wrapping up Breast Cancer Awareness month.  My big question is, why do we call it breast cancer awareness month?  Who doesn't know about breast cancer?  Are you not aware of what it is?  This month especially, people pour millions of dollars into "pink" products thinking their money is going toward a good cause, when most of the time about .1-.10 cents on the dollar actually go toward breast cancer treatments.  It's nice that some people are waking up and that a few of the breast cancer foundations have been exposed for what they really are; money hungry fools.  For so long people thought they were doing such a good thing, which they are to an extent but, why are you paying your executives so much money?  Why are you not using more of that money for treatments or investing it in ways to prevent?  Which brings me to my biggest concern of this whole breast cancer awareness month.  Why in the hell are we not finding ways to prevent it instead of just looking at ways to cure it!!!  Most of these foundations put in about 7% of the money toward prevention.  I'm not sure if you feel the same way as I do but, that makes me sick.  I don't want breast cancer, I want to know how I can prevent it naturally, not with some pharmaceutical company making tons of money off of my because I'm taking some chemical daily that is just not good for your body or cutting off my boobs because I may get cancer.  Your body is pure, so why put toxins in it? 

Since my Grandma had breast cancer in her twenties and survived, it's always concerned the women in our family that we have a chance of getting it as well.  I've always been passionate about this topic.  I want to make sure that I never get it or if one day I have a daughter that she doesn't either and so on.  So, I did some of my own research of course because I refuse to buy into all the crap from this whole month of October portrays.  With all the money that's been made on breast cancer, you'd think they would have a cure by now.  I really support foundations and groups that are more geared toward natural prevention and natural treatments.  I understand that sometimes these breast cancer treatments are needed but not always.  What I've come to find in my search is incredible that it's so simple to reduce your chances of getting breast cancer as well as hundreds of other cancers and diseases.  Eating right, exercise and sunlight can reduce your chances up to 70%...SAY WHAT!!!  I know it sounds silly because it's so simple but, it's true!  Here's a great study proving vitamin D is key...
If that didn't help change your opinion on vitamin D and the sun, here's another great article...

Lastly, a friend of mine that knows how strong my opinion on natural lifestyles and how I do my research, she suggested this website to me and I can't thank her enough for it now! is a great site to read up more on natural, healthy lifestyles and how big of an impact it can have on your life.  I want to be here to see my kids grow up and be one that has beaten the risk of breast cancer.  I hope all of you who read this can do the same thing!  It's a beautiful day in Michigan, so go get some sun!!  :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


A life without vaccinations

These days, the older I get, the more I realize that people are like a herd of cattle.  They read or see something on TV that tells them that they need to lather on sunscreen and stay inside, you need to get your flu shots or else, you shouldn't eat this kind of food you need to eat this.  The sad part is, people actually listen!!  Instead of doing their own research before they make the decision to believe the crap they hear they just take the easy route and believe some horrible study, or a doctor or something from a friend of a friend.  The point I'm really trying to get at is, to be or not to be vaccinated, that is the question?

I am one of the few that goes against the crowd and have never been vaccinated.  Although the number of unvaccinated children is rising, it's still much less than those who have been vaccinated.  I can't speak for others but, I am so glad people are finally realizing that vaccinations are not immunizations and how harmful they are to the human body.  I'm still in limbo on a couple of things, is the FDA and even some doctors really concerned about what's best for people these days or do they just do it because it's a $10 billion industry?  With the side effects and the possible outcomes after receiving your shots is just downright scary to me and many others.  I've done much research on some cites including,,, and the information I've discovered has just made me set on never having my son vaccinated.  So many people tell me I'm crazy if I don't have Nolan get his shots and that he will get sick and basically I'm being selfish if I don't.  I was never vaccinated and I turned out just fine.  I've taken antibiotics only a hand full of times in my 27 years and never have really been sick EXCEPT for after receiving the whooping cough vaccination when I was an infant and it put me in the hospital for two weeks.  I'd have to say Dr. Lawrence B Palevsky MD has it right, "Children must experience their symptoms and illnesses as a necessary rite of passage, thus allowing their immune and nervous systems to grow, mature, and develop appropriately."

Since Nolan has been born, we have to take him to the doctors every month to check on his progress and then you're supposed to start the routine of your child receiving his shots.  In the first year of your child's life, he/she is supposed to receive 24 different shots and by the age of six, your child is supposed to receive a total of 81 shots.  Now I'm not sure if everyone knows what a vaccination consists of but, here is what it is; A vaccination injects bacteria, viruses, genetic material and many other biological and toxic chemicals into the child's body. What's worse is, your child is not guaranteed to eliminate these sicknesses, a doctor cannot even tell you that the side effects if you do get sick will be mild because they really do not know.  If that doesn't get you thinking, maybe if you saw the list of possible side effects of each shot, that would make you second guess your decision.  One study between vaccinated and unvaccinated children done known at the Cal-Oregon project sponsored by Generation Rescue surveyed parents of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated U.S. children.  Of the 17,674 children included in the surgery, the results showed:
- Vaccinated children had 120% more asthma.
-Vaccinated boys had 317% more ADHD.
-Vaccinated boys had 185% more neurologic disorders.
-Vaccinated boys had 146% more autism.
Girls represented only 20% of the total number of children in the survey.  To find more information similar to this study go to

The last thing I want to put in perspective are some conflicts of interest.  These are listed on the International Medical Council on Vaccination website are these:
-The same people who make rules and recommendations about vaccination profit from vaccine sales.  For example, Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was in charge of the CDC for eight years, is now the President of Merck Vaccines.  Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP), developed and petented his own vaccine.
-According to the CDC, the average U.S. 10-doctor pediatric group has over $100,000 of vaccine inventory in their office to sell.  These doctors make money from office visits and from giving your child vaccines, and also from follow up office visits for assessing reactions.
-U.S. pediatricians reportedly make quarterly bonuses from the HMOs they work for by maintaining high vaccination rates in their practices and have reportedly been reprimanded by insurance companies if they vaccination rates fall.

In closing, remember that you DO have a right to refuse!  This is just the beginning of this topic, as I could go on and on.  I hoped this helped with making your decision when it comes to vaccinating yourself or even your children.  Remember to always do your own research and be sure to look into who has put on the study because, a lot of the time the ones who held the study is pro vaccination so they show you what they want you to see.  Use some of the websites that I provided to do some of your on research and I hope you make the decision that's best for you!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Good evening everyone!  Tonight I'm writing about something that I've been passionate about for a long time now.  These last couple of days, heck who am I kidding, the last few years, I've seen a lot of these articles about how tanning beds are so bad for you and how you can get skin cancer and how it should be banned for anyone under 18 years old.  It really hits a soft spot for me because, first of all, exposing yourself to the sun (without sun screen) or going into a tanning bed as an alternative since many people work during the prime hours to get your vitamin D, or maybe because the weather permits 3-9 months out of the year is OK in moderation.  It seems that people don't understand that.  Everyone feels the need to slather on sunscreen  and cover up at all times and wouldn't dare step foot into a tanning bed because they read some article somewhere or heard about a friend of a friend who had a scare with skin cancer.

My biggest issue with this is most people have not done their own research and they are truly hurting themselves because of this.  The sun and a tanning bed are your two best sources of vitamin D and the great thing is you could be preventing and curing over 100 different diseases and cancers just by having an adequate vitamin D level.  It sounds so simple, but to put it in perspective, more than 90% of the population is vitamin D deficient.  It wasn't always like this... deficiency increased greatly just about the time sunscreen use really started to take off. The even crazier part about this is when sunscreens started booming, so did skin cancer.  What kills me is nobody realizes this or cares to even look into it because they had a doctor or a TV show to stay out of the sun or read some article that says how it causes cancer.  WRONG!  God made the sun, we need the sun to live, as do many other things, including, animals and plants.  Yes, too much can be overkill but like I said, moderation people!

The reason why this all sort of hits a soft spot with me is because, like I said previously, I recently had a beautiful baby boy.  For the Government to tell me that my child can't tan before the age of 18 would really upset me.  I'm not saying I would let me child just go whenever he wants, but once he gets old enough and we decide to go on vacation to somewhere warmer or summer is coming, I would rather have his skin somewhat prepared with a base tan rather than just throw him out there all pale with a bunch of chemicals on his skin.  What if he has bad acne?  I'd rather him treat it by drying it out from the sun or in a tanning bed a few minutes a week instead of him digesting some sort of pill or a topical cream that will make his skin extremely sensitive to light.  This is what the world has come to, everything is cured with a pill or a cream.  You're telling me you're OK with ingesting all these things with this list of side effects that are 5 pages long, but you're so against getting a little bit of sun a couple times a week or using a tanning bed moderately.

Anyway, to finally get to my story...I recently ran in the warrior dash in Michigan -- it was awesome!  My dad and I ran it together while my mom watched my son.  It was in the 60s that day and sunny, but not a high UV index.  As we were out there, everyone seemed to have some sort of opinion or felt they needed to check with us to see if we put sunscreen on him and ask "where is his hat?"  I ignored the first few people, then I finally had it.  Someone else asked me if he had sunscreen on....NOPE!  He sure doesn't. Anyone who feels the need to put sunscreen on an infant is a nut job for one, and for two, mind your own business. We had his sun shade on him on his stroller and yes, at times the sun was on him but, to me, that is perfectly OK. A couple minutes here and there isn't going to hurt him, if anything, it's helping him.  That's the problem with this world dare you tell me that my kid needs sunscreen. Do your research before you start putting these sunscreens on your children.  There were stories not too long ago about how sunscreen chemicals are killing the great barrier reef and altering the sex of fish....and you're telling me it's OK to put on my baby boy...You must've lost your mind.  Like I said before, moderation is key.  I know an infant's skin is much more sensitive -- that's what you definitely limit the time,  it's better to let him get a little rather than none at all.  I'm proud to say that I will not use sunscreen on my child unless it is absolutely positively my only option.  They now make clothing that protects you: hats, shade...the alternatives are endless.

So, on that note, please do your own research before you share what you read in an article or saw on TV or heard from a friend of a friend! You could be doing yourself and your family a huge favor and will be thankful later on!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Good afternoon friends!  Welcome to my first Natural Mom blog post.  My name is Lauren Buck and this is an exciting day for me, since this is my first time writing about what's happening in my life, in the news and anything else that's important to me :) !!!

I decided to start a blog for one major reason, I became a mother of a beautiful baby boy named Nolan and I suddenly started seeing everything differently.  I am now responsible for another human being and there are so many things you need to learn, research, pay attention to and so much more.  I have a very strong opinion when it comes to my family and anything that may affect them.  I have many stories to tell, information that may be useful to others and their children and will regularly comment on and share articles in the news that I feel my opinion may matter.

I really hope you like what you see and can't wait to share my stories and information I've gathered about so many different topics.  Topics I really will be focusing on are anything to do with children, of course, an organic lifestyle, fitness, appearance and much more!!

I encourage you to comment and share your opinion or any information you may come up with, even if it may not be always agreeing with me.  :)  Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to share with all of you!

Here is my family!