Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/2012- Breast Cancer Awareness overkill

With 6 days left of October, we are wrapping up Breast Cancer Awareness month.  My big question is, why do we call it breast cancer awareness month?  Who doesn't know about breast cancer?  Are you not aware of what it is?  This month especially, people pour millions of dollars into "pink" products thinking their money is going toward a good cause, when most of the time about .1-.10 cents on the dollar actually go toward breast cancer treatments.  It's nice that some people are waking up and that a few of the breast cancer foundations have been exposed for what they really are; money hungry fools.  For so long people thought they were doing such a good thing, which they are to an extent but, why are you paying your executives so much money?  Why are you not using more of that money for treatments or investing it in ways to prevent?  Which brings me to my biggest concern of this whole breast cancer awareness month.  Why in the hell are we not finding ways to prevent it instead of just looking at ways to cure it!!!  Most of these foundations put in about 7% of the money toward prevention.  I'm not sure if you feel the same way as I do but, that makes me sick.  I don't want breast cancer, I want to know how I can prevent it naturally, not with some pharmaceutical company making tons of money off of my because I'm taking some chemical daily that is just not good for your body or cutting off my boobs because I may get cancer.  Your body is pure, so why put toxins in it? 

Since my Grandma had breast cancer in her twenties and survived, it's always concerned the women in our family that we have a chance of getting it as well.  I've always been passionate about this topic.  I want to make sure that I never get it or if one day I have a daughter that she doesn't either and so on.  So, I did some of my own research of course because I refuse to buy into all the crap from this whole month of October portrays.  With all the money that's been made on breast cancer, you'd think they would have a cure by now.  I really support foundations and groups that are more geared toward natural prevention and natural treatments.  I understand that sometimes these breast cancer treatments are needed but not always.  What I've come to find in my search is incredible that it's so simple to reduce your chances of getting breast cancer as well as hundreds of other cancers and diseases.  Eating right, exercise and sunlight can reduce your chances up to 70%...SAY WHAT!!!  I know it sounds silly because it's so simple but, it's true!  Here's a great study proving vitamin D is key...
If that didn't help change your opinion on vitamin D and the sun, here's another great article...

Lastly, a friend of mine that knows how strong my opinion on natural lifestyles and how I do my research, she suggested this website to me and I can't thank her enough for it now! is a great site to read up more on natural, healthy lifestyles and how big of an impact it can have on your life.  I want to be here to see my kids grow up and be one that has beaten the risk of breast cancer.  I hope all of you who read this can do the same thing!  It's a beautiful day in Michigan, so go get some sun!!  :)

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