Sunday, October 14, 2012


A life without vaccinations

These days, the older I get, the more I realize that people are like a herd of cattle.  They read or see something on TV that tells them that they need to lather on sunscreen and stay inside, you need to get your flu shots or else, you shouldn't eat this kind of food you need to eat this.  The sad part is, people actually listen!!  Instead of doing their own research before they make the decision to believe the crap they hear they just take the easy route and believe some horrible study, or a doctor or something from a friend of a friend.  The point I'm really trying to get at is, to be or not to be vaccinated, that is the question?

I am one of the few that goes against the crowd and have never been vaccinated.  Although the number of unvaccinated children is rising, it's still much less than those who have been vaccinated.  I can't speak for others but, I am so glad people are finally realizing that vaccinations are not immunizations and how harmful they are to the human body.  I'm still in limbo on a couple of things, is the FDA and even some doctors really concerned about what's best for people these days or do they just do it because it's a $10 billion industry?  With the side effects and the possible outcomes after receiving your shots is just downright scary to me and many others.  I've done much research on some cites including,,, and the information I've discovered has just made me set on never having my son vaccinated.  So many people tell me I'm crazy if I don't have Nolan get his shots and that he will get sick and basically I'm being selfish if I don't.  I was never vaccinated and I turned out just fine.  I've taken antibiotics only a hand full of times in my 27 years and never have really been sick EXCEPT for after receiving the whooping cough vaccination when I was an infant and it put me in the hospital for two weeks.  I'd have to say Dr. Lawrence B Palevsky MD has it right, "Children must experience their symptoms and illnesses as a necessary rite of passage, thus allowing their immune and nervous systems to grow, mature, and develop appropriately."

Since Nolan has been born, we have to take him to the doctors every month to check on his progress and then you're supposed to start the routine of your child receiving his shots.  In the first year of your child's life, he/she is supposed to receive 24 different shots and by the age of six, your child is supposed to receive a total of 81 shots.  Now I'm not sure if everyone knows what a vaccination consists of but, here is what it is; A vaccination injects bacteria, viruses, genetic material and many other biological and toxic chemicals into the child's body. What's worse is, your child is not guaranteed to eliminate these sicknesses, a doctor cannot even tell you that the side effects if you do get sick will be mild because they really do not know.  If that doesn't get you thinking, maybe if you saw the list of possible side effects of each shot, that would make you second guess your decision.  One study between vaccinated and unvaccinated children done known at the Cal-Oregon project sponsored by Generation Rescue surveyed parents of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated U.S. children.  Of the 17,674 children included in the surgery, the results showed:
- Vaccinated children had 120% more asthma.
-Vaccinated boys had 317% more ADHD.
-Vaccinated boys had 185% more neurologic disorders.
-Vaccinated boys had 146% more autism.
Girls represented only 20% of the total number of children in the survey.  To find more information similar to this study go to

The last thing I want to put in perspective are some conflicts of interest.  These are listed on the International Medical Council on Vaccination website are these:
-The same people who make rules and recommendations about vaccination profit from vaccine sales.  For example, Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was in charge of the CDC for eight years, is now the President of Merck Vaccines.  Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP), developed and petented his own vaccine.
-According to the CDC, the average U.S. 10-doctor pediatric group has over $100,000 of vaccine inventory in their office to sell.  These doctors make money from office visits and from giving your child vaccines, and also from follow up office visits for assessing reactions.
-U.S. pediatricians reportedly make quarterly bonuses from the HMOs they work for by maintaining high vaccination rates in their practices and have reportedly been reprimanded by insurance companies if they vaccination rates fall.

In closing, remember that you DO have a right to refuse!  This is just the beginning of this topic, as I could go on and on.  I hoped this helped with making your decision when it comes to vaccinating yourself or even your children.  Remember to always do your own research and be sure to look into who has put on the study because, a lot of the time the ones who held the study is pro vaccination so they show you what they want you to see.  Use some of the websites that I provided to do some of your on research and I hope you make the decision that's best for you!

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