Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's that time again!  Winter is here and we are going on our annual trip to Fort Myers Beach Florida with the family.  I'm not a big fan of winter normally, but these last couple of weeks I've been prepping my skin for that Florida sun by heading to the tanner a couple of times a week.  I must say, it has taken a huge effect on me, a positive one.  When I tan a few times a week, moderately, my mood is better, I have more energy and plus I'm much more confident with glowing skin.  It's a huge bonus for me, because I'm doing my skin a huge favor by saving my skin from the hot sun and chemical sunscreen.

I know many are against anything to do with the sun or a tanning bed but, I feel for that, they are doing themselves a huge disservice.  For those who won't go near a tanning bed, but also choose to be anti sun are hurting themselves even worse than those who are just against tan bans.  I know I've said it numerous times but, it still stands true, God made the sun, we need the sun, the light to survive.  Not only do we need it but, plants, animals, everything needs it!  If you were to type in "vitamin D" into a web search and stories upon stories will pop up about studies on how vitamin D has been proven to cure this disease or that cancer or how it can help prevent many different sicknesses.  It literally can help prevent or cure over 100 different diseases and cancers, but yet that's still not enough evidence for people because they are in such of fear of getting skin cancer!  Good luck people, I'm sure those cigarettes or alcohol or whatever other unhealthy habit it is you do won't get to you first!!!  Dermatologists and sunscreen companies have done such a good job fabricating the truth and scaring the shit out of people, people have no clue what's really good for them anymore.  Here is an article that is a MUST READ that was recently published on about how a study shows more than 90 Percent of Melanoma Surgeries are Unnecessary.  Click here to read it! If more people knew this, I don't think they would be so prompt to get every single mole removed because their doctor makes them think they may have cancer but, most cases turn out that they don't.  There is so much important information in that article, I think many of you will have a wake up call.

I know I may get a few looks for being tan in the winter, or may get in an argument with someone because they're trying to tell me tanning is bad but, I end up proving them wrong, time and time again but, it's all worth it to me.  It gives me a chance to educate those properly all while doing myself, my body a huge favor by giving myself vitamin D from one of the best sources possible.  This is such a sensitive topic for me since it's something I've supported for a long time but, it's not only about me anymore, someone else is counting on me to be there for him day in and day out and he needs me to be healthy for him.  My baby boy is my world, I'm his mother that he plays with all day long but I also nurse him numerous times a day so, I want what's best for him.  I provide his nutrients and although he doesn't get his vitamin D from me, he depends on me for everything else and he has a better chance at staying healthy if I'm healthy as well.  It just goes to show you cannot depend on your diet for your vitamin D.  If that were the case, Nolan would be able to get all of his from me since I'm a moderate tanner with adequate  vitamin D levels.    

Do yourself a favor everyone, educate yourself, look information up online other than a site ran by dermatologists or sunscreen companies, I promise you will find things that could change your whole perspective on UV light!

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