Sunday, November 18, 2012

Vitamin D IS vital

Another positive report came out on vitamin D, who's surprised?!  Headlines read, " Ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D protect against multiple sclerosis.  There have been a number of articles published within the last couple of weeks talking about the importance of vitamin D when it comes to multiple sclerosis.  Believe it or not everyone but, getting some sun without sunscreen or hitting the tanning bed for a few minutes is doing your body good.  By maintaining sufficient levels of serum vitamin D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D may be helping you prevent multiple sclerosis, according to a new study published.  Here is one of the many articles on it, check it out...

It blows my mind, how over the last few years you've been urged by so many to stay out of the sun or a tanning bed and put sunscreen on all day, everyday and they're banning tanning all over for teens, but yet studies come out like this and give you a whole new perspective.  I've said this many times before  but, people need to remember, moderation is key and will probably save your life if you can remember to do so.  If you want to get some sun or go into a tanning bed, do it according to your skin type and don't do it for too long.  If you want to eat same food that isn't that good for you, go ahead and have it, just don't make it an everyday occurrence.  That's the problem with Americans these days, nobody knows how to follow the simple rule of moderation, for the most part it's indulging or not enough.  As far as vitamin D goes, over 90% of the American population isn't getting enough, since that 90% and more are deficient.  

I know this article will be one of many that I post in hopes that people will wake up and realize that we need sun to survive, it was created for a reason.  Something as simple as having adequate vitamin D levels would be doing your health more good than you know.  So, if you can, put your swim suit on and head outside for a little while or go to your nearest professional tanning salon and get some D!  You never know, you could be making a world of difference to your life! 

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