Sunday, February 17, 2013

What are you doing to avoid winter blues??

For most people in the United States and Canada, for the last couple of months and probably for a couple more, it's been cold, gloomy with quite a bit of snow.  You haven't seen the sun for days and you would give anything to just get a few minutes of it!  I know that's where I'm at right about now.  Seasonal affective disorder aka the winter blues is real and it affects a lot of people.

Although it may seem impossible to beat, it can be done!  I know what really helps me is, even when I don't feel like going to the gym, I force myself to, at least five days a week.  Another great thing that I know personally works is a tanning bed, in moderation, a couple of times a week.  Here is a great website that has other solutions for curing the winter blues.

I personally feel the most effective solution is the tanning bed.  Do you ever wonder why you don't have this depression in the winter?  Hence the reason it's called the winter blues!!  Tanning beds were made to mimic the sun and it does just that.  The great thing is that it's in a much more controlled environment and you spend less time in it than you would the sun.  After ten minutes, you feel rejuvenated.  I can bet anyone can go to a tanning salon a couple times a week for the amount of time a professional working at a salon feels the most appropriate time would be for your skin type and after a few weeks, I'm very confident anyone would feel at least a bit better.  One of the main issues is that more than 90-95% of US citizens and Canadians are vitamin D deficient and that definitely contributes to ones depression.  Vitamin D is on almost every cell of the body so, it's vital to survival.

I know I'm no professional and have no right to diagnose anyone, I know there are great resources that you can look at when searching for answers.  I know most doctors and websites may steer you toward taking some sort of medication but, from personal experiences, make that a last resort!  For years and years people have been using natural cures for many different issues, including seasonal affective disorder.  Here are a few that I've checked out...

To many I may be jumping the gun for some but, I wonder if dermatologists and sunscreen companies didn't give such a bad name to tanning salons and the sun, would SAD be such an issue?  Definitely something to think about.

What do you do to beat the winter blues?!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is the Skin Cancer Foundation really looking out for our best interest?

The Skin Cancer Foundation is at it again folks and this time it's really making me wonder if they have the population's best interest in mind at all!  They recently released a press release stating they've busted myths surrounding vitamin D and sun exposure. In this article they state a few so called facts on how the sun isn't an efficient source of vitamin D and that you should depend on supplements and diet to get the recommended amount, and some more bologna that is just silly.

I'm not sure where they got their sources, but SCIENCE and NATURE can prove all of their "facts" wrong.  The sun is the ONLY natural source of vitamin D. You can't realistically get enough vitamin D from food sources, and while supplements are an option, they certainly are not natural or as efficient as the sun. And their claim that after more that 8 minutes in the sun your vitamin D level will actually go down -- that's absurd and absolutely not backed by science.

I read in one of the person's comments below stating that the Skin Cancer Foundation is funded by 69 companies, all of which are cosmetic companies or ones who benefit from the sun scare that has undoubtedly created a vitamin D deficiency epidemic.  I did a little research of my own to verify, and sadly it's true. If you click on the link and go to the bottom of the page to Corporate Supporters, you can click in each category and see a number of companies.  So, this makes me wonder, who are they really working for?  Who are they here to help?  I've always been weary of this foundation as well as a few others, and for them to bash the sun as not being the most vital source for your vitamin D proves that their pocket books are more important than your health.

Here are a few articles that are stating the exact opposite of what the Skin Cancer Foundation is claiming.
Sun and Vitamin D article
Sun and Vitamin D article
Sun and Vitamin D article

Now, I don't want to say that I disagree that you can't get vitamin D from supplements and from your diet, but they definitely aren't as efficient as the sun.  As far as food goes, you would have to eat about 10 servings of freshwater fish every day or over 100 glasses of milk a day to get the amount of vitamin D you actually need.  Another down side of depending on a supplement for your vitamin D is the risk of toxicity.  Especially when people are deficient, which more than 95% of the US and Canadian population is.  When you take high doses of vitamin D through supplements, your body does not know how to break down the artificial vitamin D and when you take too much and your body doesn't dispose of it, it causes toxicity.  Now, when getting your D from the sun, your body does know how to break it down because it's natural.  This is how God intended us to receive our vitamin D, and for thousands of years, that's how it's been done.  People from ages ago didn't depend on supplements and vitamin D deficiency wasn't an issue, so, why are we doing everything so differently now and scaring people out of the sun?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Flu season in full force

This time of the year, it seems like everyone and their mother are getting sick now-a-days. People line up and get the flu shot, thinking they're protecting themselves when in reality they've got like a 50-50 shot but, still end up having flu like symptoms as side effects from having the flu shot.  I'd like to thank my mom now for never having me receive any vaccinations because, I have an immune system made of steel and probably the healthiest out of majority of my friends.  I'm not going to say I never get sick but, it's definitely far and few between.  Now, I'm sure people who are going to read this will say, "you're lucky you didn't get so sick, you need to be vaccinated, that's what protects you."  Blah, blah, blah.  Well, I have something else protecting me and it's free in most cases believe it or not.  Yep, that's right, the sun is my immunity.  Since it is winter season, you can catch me at the tanning salon a couple times a week, where I'll go in a bed for about 15 minutes (for disclosure purposes, I built up to my base tan first, I didn't just jump in a bed the first time for 15 minutes and fry myself.  That people, is why you go to professional salons, they will guide you to a healthy tan.)  If I can't make it to a salon that often, I will opt for vitamin D drops or supplements, even though I'd much rather have the sun or a tanning bed, for the number one reason being it's natural.  The other reason is because your body knows how to naturally break down vitamin D when it receives it from the sun or when you go into a tanning bed.  When you receive it from supplements, it's artificial D and if you take too much and your body can't break it down, that's what causes toxicity.

Now, I'm sure some people won't believe me when I say the sun is your immunity.  So, for that reason, I'm posting a few different articles, which I may add are great sources so, please check them out for yourselves!
Here is one from the Dr. Oz show, I know he is a fan favorite!  Click here
Natural News is a personal favorite of mine as well as many other people who believe in natural lifestyles.  Click here

I know I say this in every article but, please do your own research before someone tells you that you need to go get vaccinated to protect you from something.  At the end of your research, if you still feel that's what's best for you and your family then, move forward with it.  When WebMD even tells me that it's not always effective and it couple possibly cause milder symptoms, than if I weren't to have it, that's not convincing enough for me but, maybe it is for you.  Be wise with the ingredients you're putting in your body because it could end up having a lifetime effect!  Stay pure!

Have you gotten your D today?!  Goodnight, all!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting the New Year with an open mind

Happy New Year, everybody!  I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday watching lots of football or whatever it may be that you're doing.  We're enjoying the wonderful weather here in Ft. Myers Beach with the family and I couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate.  This won't be a long post today but, more just a thought people could consider for the new year.  

These days, there are so many people that are trained into thinking a certain way and that's the only way they know how to think.  Whether it's something you heard from a friend or read it online, you choose to believe it or not.  What I'm trying to get at is, I feel people need to come with more of an open mind these days.  Once they've heard something that they feel may be true they stick with it, most of the time, not even doing their own research into that topic.  There are certain topics I am talking about and don't get me wrong, there are many, many more controversial topics but, the ones I feel very strongly on and notice a huge uproar are, vaccinations, tanning beds and the sun, cancers and diseases.  I mean we could get into why Michigan State is better than Michigan but, I'd rather keep those debates out of this article! :) I guess I'm more concerned on health issues more than anything.  Yes, I will admit I am pro tanning and pro unvaccinated children but, what I'm getting at is that I still listen to what others have to say when they have an opposite opinion of me. If they have valid points and not just creating some stupid argument, then I am more than willing to listen.  I hope this year, more people can try and accept the challenge of keeping an open mind because, when it comes to these topics, I feel it could save someone's life.  People tend to be so set in there ways and people try to help or give their opinion but, the individual could care less and then by the time they decide to listen, it's almost too late.  We are all guilty of it, shoulda, woulda, coulda... This is something I even plan to improve on and I hope you all can do the same!  It seems like such a simple task but, believe me, it really is a challenge!  

Let's take 2013 and make the best of it!  Have a good day, everyone!