Sunday, November 25, 2012

Working out could be saving your memory

The article title read, "A workout a day keeps dementia away."  I immediately opened it since my fiancĂ©'s grandpa suffers from Alzheimer's and I know his grandma is willing to try anything to make him better.  Obviously, nobody has a cure but, anything could help, right?!  With medicine from the doctor, to putting coconut oil in his coffee every morning, we're all hoping to see some sort of change.  When I saw this article, it made me think to myself, what if working out a few times a week really does help your memory.  I mean in a way, it kind of makes sense to me because exercise is so good for the body.

The study had over 600 participants between the ages 65 and 84 and each of the participants brain showed early warning signs of dementia.  The participants were followed over a period of three years and over that time they had their brains scanned on a regular basis.  They were being assessed on the cognitive ability and how much they exercised.  To read more on the details, you can click here..., there are other links on there to click as well for more information.

While there is good news, there was bad news too.  Participants that worked out at least 3 times a week lowered their chances of getting dementia by 40% in comparison to those with less activity!  Now to me, that's great news, the exercising was most effective towards vascular dementia, which is a type of non-alzheimer's dementia that is caused by low blood flow to the brain.  The doctors tracked the white matter on the participants brain that is linked to dementia that you can see on MRI scans.  All participants showed changes in white matter at the beginning of the study on many different levels and they were to make sure to take into account other factors but, the protective effects of exercise still held.

The bad news was that, exercise didn't seem to specifically affect  the risk of developing Alzheimer's.  Now, don't get me wrong, I had high hopes when I saw this article that it could make a big difference in grandpas life and I was a little bummed when I saw that it wouldn't really help his case but, it is good to know it can make a difference in others lives.  I mean I know it's a no brainer and everyone should exercise but, to know I'm preventing one more thing that could possibly happen to me when I get older, makes me feel a lot better.

I hope everyone out there takes their health as serious as I do.  Our body is very sacred and it's so important to keep it pure.  Exercise, sunshine and eating right are three major things people need to stay healthy and they're very easy to do.  If you need guidance or ever have questions, make sure to ask your doctor, you could be saving a few years to your life!  All in all though, I really hope we can find a cure for this horrible disease that affects so many people in our country today.  It happens to the best of us and those wonderful people we love and it's so disturbing to have to sit there and not be able to do much about it.  To those who have loved ones suffering, stay strong, I applaud you for being there and being supportive to that person who is suffering!  Good things are coming your way!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Vitamin D IS vital

Another positive report came out on vitamin D, who's surprised?!  Headlines read, " Ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D protect against multiple sclerosis.  There have been a number of articles published within the last couple of weeks talking about the importance of vitamin D when it comes to multiple sclerosis.  Believe it or not everyone but, getting some sun without sunscreen or hitting the tanning bed for a few minutes is doing your body good.  By maintaining sufficient levels of serum vitamin D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D may be helping you prevent multiple sclerosis, according to a new study published.  Here is one of the many articles on it, check it out...

It blows my mind, how over the last few years you've been urged by so many to stay out of the sun or a tanning bed and put sunscreen on all day, everyday and they're banning tanning all over for teens, but yet studies come out like this and give you a whole new perspective.  I've said this many times before  but, people need to remember, moderation is key and will probably save your life if you can remember to do so.  If you want to get some sun or go into a tanning bed, do it according to your skin type and don't do it for too long.  If you want to eat same food that isn't that good for you, go ahead and have it, just don't make it an everyday occurrence.  That's the problem with Americans these days, nobody knows how to follow the simple rule of moderation, for the most part it's indulging or not enough.  As far as vitamin D goes, over 90% of the American population isn't getting enough, since that 90% and more are deficient.  

I know this article will be one of many that I post in hopes that people will wake up and realize that we need sun to survive, it was created for a reason.  Something as simple as having adequate vitamin D levels would be doing your health more good than you know.  So, if you can, put your swim suit on and head outside for a little while or go to your nearest professional tanning salon and get some D!  You never know, you could be making a world of difference to your life! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Is Arsenic in your food?

Just this last week, we had Nolan's four month check up and the doctor said in the next couple of months we can start feeding him green veggies and rice with his milk to fill him up more.  I thought this was great, but then it also raised a lot of concern as well.  Recently, I've seen a few articles and shows on tv talking about the arsenic in food and juices.  What's scary is, it's found at alarming high rates in juices we give to our kids daily and now they discovered it's very high as well in pretty much anything rice.  For most, they probably think they are safe going the organic route and it turns out, that's not even the case!!  How scary is that?!  It's really disappointing that we now have to pay such close attention to every single thing we put into our bodies nowadays.  You would think it's for the better of the people, but rather the companies that produce these foods and drinks, it's whatever is most beneficial to them.

I've found a great article written by consumer reports which is a wonderful read that breaks down everything.  Here is the link...

Here is a chart breaking down all the rice products...

For my family, this concerns me.  The arsenic can also be found in your water, fruits and vegetables, not just the rice according to the Environmental Protection agency.  Not only is it scary for us adults but, for babies, rice cereal is one of the first foods we give them and it can be potentially very harmful to them now and in the long run.  So, make sure you research before you start feeding your child something to make sure it's the right choice or if you should go with an alternative because from the looks of it, nobody is protecting us from this issue. The article goes on to say that there is no set level as to the maximum amount of arsenic allowed in rice. So what's one to do for your child? Cut down the amount given to them each day.

For the sake of you and your child's future, make sure you start paying attention to what you put into your bodies.  I could continue to ramble on about this topic for hours and hours but, I thought it would be best for me to bring it to your attention and let you see for yourself how important this topic really is.  I gave just one article to read on but, feel free to look at other resources.  If you find anything yourself, I would love it if you shared it with me, especially if it has anything to do with infants!

Take care of yourselves!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Skin Cancer Risk Among Redheads higher even without sun exposure....SAY WHAT?!

Just this last week, there were a number of articles on skin cancer risk being higher among redheads even without sun exposure.  I mean, to some this would seem like common sense, but for the longest time you seem to only hear that the sun is the sole reason people get skin cancer. However, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital are saying that redheads and fair skinned people are more susceptible to developing skin cancer regardless of whether or not they are exposed to the sun. To get the whole rundown on the study, check out these links:

Here is the first article outlined

-Mice with red coloring developed melanoma without being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The researchers say that could mean skin pigmentation itself is a cause of melanoma, not just exposure to the sun.
-They found that the melanoma risk occurs in areas of the skin that are not exposed to the sun's rays, something I've brought up before!!
-The scientists used strains of mice with almost identical genes, except for the gene that controls which type of melanin is produced.  They had dark mice - with the typical variant leading to a predominance of dark melanin.  The other mice were the "red hair-fair skin" version.
-They used a method created by team members to activate the melanoma-associated form of the BRAF oncogene in patches of the mice's skin pigment cells.  They expected that melanoma formation would only occur if they were exposed to UV radiation.  
-Within a few months, half of the red animals developed melanomas, compared to very few of the dark ones.
-They made sure the mice have not been exposed to UV radiation.
-The scientists created a strain of "albino redheads" and the incidence of melanoma among these dropped dramatically, indicating there is something in the pigment itself that encourages the development of melanoma.  

Although this is just the beginning of this story, it's great to know people out there are trying to find the real cause of melanoma instead of pointing the finger directly at UV exposure and saying that's the cause.  With dermatologists and sunscreen companies pushing sunscreen all day, everyday on everyone, they are making tons of money, all while having a very negative effect of people.  Everyday people continue to listen, and they are hurting themselves by taking away their main source of vitamin D, sunshine.  Through UV exposure, you're getting your vitamin D naturally and that is so important because if your body makes any additional vitamin D, your body can break down any D it doesn't need.  

I know I will continue to push the positive word on vitamin D and sun exposure to all of my friends and family because these people mean the world to me and something as simple as not using sunscreen all the time and getting some sun for 20 minutes a day could be saving their lives!  If this all comes out to be accurate about pale skinned folks, I hope this message is spread everywhere, among everyone so they know the sun isn't harming you, it's here to do good!  Make sure you get your D.  Goodnight, everyone!!